Upper Back Pain & Shoulder Pain
The most common causes of shoulder pain are by a pinched nerve in the neck or a rotator cuff injury.
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain can be caused by a number of reasons. The most common causes of shoulder pain are by a pinched nerve in the neck or a rotator cuff injury. If its a pinched nerve that spinal manipulation, rehab, and disc decompression can usually correct this problem. Disc decompression therapy utilizes a computerized machine that gently distracts the vertebra of the neck and take the pressure off of the spinal disc and nerves.
The rotator cuff consists of 5 separate muscles that perform the many functions of the shoulder. Because it is a complicated structure it is important to have the shoulder evaluated by a chiropractor so that he can determine the cause of the problem and develop a course of action. Most rotator cuff injuries can be addressed through specific shoulder exercise and massage work to restore normal function.